- Austin-500 1915
- Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, CA
(CC TO C4, 61 NOTES)
- 16 Double Open Diapason
- 16 Bourdon
- 8 Open Diapason (1 large)
- 8 Open Diapason (2 medium)
- 8 Open Diapason (3 small)
- 8 Viole Gamba [sic]
- 8 Dulciana
- 8 Gemshorn
- 8 Stopped Diapason
- 8 Philomela
- 8 Harmonic Flute
- 4 Octave
- 4 Gambette
- 4 Flute Harmonique
- 2 2/3 Twelfth
- 2 Fifteenth
- Mixture 4 & 5 rks.
- 16 Double Trumpet
- 8 Posaune 4. 8 Open Diapason (2 medium)
- 8 French Trumpet
- 4 Clarion
- Sesqueltra [sic] 3 rks.
- Cathedral Chimes
- Swell to Great
- Swell to Great Sub
- Swell to Great Octave
- Choir to Great
- Choir to Great Sub
- Choir to Great Octave
- Solo & Echo to Great
- Solo & Echo to Great Octave
- 16 Bourdon
- 16 Double Dulciana
- 8 Open Diapason (large)
- 8 Open Diapason (small)
- 8 Viole d’Orchestre
- 8 Salicional
- 8 Aeoline
- 8 Voix Celeste
- 8 Clarabella
- 8 Spitzfloete [sic]
- 8 Lieblich Gedeckt
- 4 Principal
- 4 Violina
- 4 Flute Harmonique
- 4 Wald Floete [sic]
- 2 Piccolo Harmonique
- Mixture 4 & 5 rks.
- 16 Contra Posaune
- 16 Contra Fagotto
- 8 Cornopean
- 8 Oboe
- 8 Harmonic Trumpet
- 4 Clarion
- 8 Vox Humana
- 8 Unda Maris
- Tremulant
- Swell Sub
- Swell Unison off
- Swell Octave
- Solo & Echo to Swell
- Eight adjustable composition pistons to control Swell stops
- 16 Contra Gamba
- 8 Open Diapason
- 8 Gamba
- 8 Concert Flute
- Hohl Flute [sic]
- 8 Flauto Dolce
- 8 Quintadena
- 8 Dulciana
- 8 Flute Celeste
- 4 Octave
- 4 Flute Harmonique
- 4 Suabe Flute
- 2 Harmonic Piccolo
- Dolce Cornet (3 rks.)
- 8 Harmonic Trumpet
- 8 Clarionet
- 8 Cor Anglais
- Celesta
- Tremulant
- Choir Sub
- Choir Unison off
- Choir Octave
- Swell to Choir
- Swell to Choir Sub
- Swell to Choir Octave
- Solo & Echo to Choir
- Solo & Echo to Choir Sub
- Solo & Echo to Choir Octave
- Eight adjustable composition pistons to control Choir stops
- Echo organ also playable on choir manual by duplex action
- 64 Gravissima, resultant
- 32 Double Open Diapason
- 32 Contra Violone
- 16 Open Diapason
- 16 Open Diapason
- 16 Open Diapason
- 16 Violone
- 16 Dulciana
- 16 Bourdon
- 16 Lieblich Bourdon
- 10 2/3 Gross Quint
- 8 Flauto Dolce
- 8 Gross Flute
- 8 Octave Dulciana
- 8 Violoncello
- 4 Octave Flute
- 32 Contra Bombarde
- 16 Trombone
- 16 Tuba
- 8 Octave Trombone
- 4 Clarion
- 16 Pasaune [sic]
- Great to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal Octave
- Choir to Pedal
- Solo & Echo to Pedal
- Solo & Echo to Pedal Octave
- Pedal Super Octave
- Choir to Pedal Octave
- Six adjustable pistons to control Pedal stops
- 16 Lieblich Bourdon
- 8 Small Diapason
- 8 Gamba
- 8 Dolce
- 8 Cor de Nuit
- 8 Chimney Flute
- 8 Unda Maris
- 4 Flauto Dolce
- Solo & Echo Unison off
- Great to Solo & Echo
- Echo “on”, Solo “off”
- Choir “on”, Echo “off”
- Echo “on”, Choir “off”
- 8 Vox Humana
- Cathedral Chimes
- Solo & Echo Sub
- Solo & Echo Octave
- Solo “on”, Echo “off”
- Solo & Echo “on”
- Eight adjustable pistons to control Solo & Echo stops
- 8 Tuba Magna
- 8 Tuba Marabilis [sic]
- 4 Tuba Clarion
- 8 Viole d’Orchestre
- 8 Viole Celeste
- 8 Concert Flute
- 4 Harmonic Flute
- 2 Harmonic Piccolo
- 8 Dolce
- 8 French Horn
- 8 Orchestral Oboe
- 8 Corno di Bassetto
- 8 Vox Humana
- 8 Harmonic Trumpet
- 8 Flugel Horn
- Tremulant
The organ is voiced on 5-10-15 and 25 inches wind pressures. Eight composition pedals duplicating the eight general pistons over upper manual. Four zero pistons affecting Swell, Choir, Great, and Solo. Eight general pistons over upper manual affecting the entire organ including couplers, Adjustable. One zero piston over upper manual affecting the entire organ.
- Balanced Crescendo Pedal, adjustable, not moving registers
- Balanced Swell Pedal
- Balanced Choir Pedal
- Balanced Solo & Echo Pedal
- Great to Pedal, reversible
- Solo to Pedal, reversible
- Solo to Great, reversible
- Sforzando Pedal
“The exterior arrangement of the stops, couplers and accessories, with their measurements and positions, is in accordance with diagrams planned by Mr. Edwin H. Lemare, the celebrated organist, and the specifications of the organ or its scheme of stops, was designed by the Exposition authorities….
“The largest pipe of this organ is the 32 CCCC of the pedal Double Open Diapason. This pipe weighs over 1300 lbs., and is 32 feet in length. Special timber had to be sawed from selected logs to get planks of sufficient lenght and width for the construction of these pipes….
“The organ, like all other instruments of the Austin make, is built on their Universal Air Chest system… The largest chest is 41 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 7 feet high….
“There are four Austin Patent-Universal Air Chests… These air chests can be entered by means of air locks, while the wind is on, and in the largest of these air chambers it would be quite possible to seat comfortably at tables and serve a banquet to 75 persons. The organ weighs approximately forty tons.”
(from Schoenstein & Co.’s reprint of the Convention Brochure)
“In 1963 the organ underwent extensive repairs including releathering of all the chest actions. At that time a new Austin console was furnished. The generator was replaced with a power supply. Changes made to the organ through the years are as follows:
“Great Organ, #6 Viole Gamba is a Flute Ouverte 4, #7 Dulciana is a Gambette 4, #8 is not used, #10 Philomela is a Flute Major 8, #20 French Trumpet is a Trombone 8. “Choir Organ, #7 Quintadena is a 2 rk. String 8. “Solo Organ, #9 Dolce is a Gedeckt 8, #10 French Horn is a Unda Maris T.C. 8, #14 is at 16 pitch. “Echo Organ, #3 Gamba is a Vox Angelica 8, #6 is not used. “Pedal Organ, Five new stops were prepared for: Diapason 8, Octave 4, Hohl Flute 4, Wald Flute 4 and a Mixture. “Wind Pressures in the organ are Great – Choir – Swell and Pedal, 10″; Solo 15″; Tuba Magna, 25”.
The organ was installed, removed, reinstalled in Civic Auditorium by, and was maintained by Schoenstein & Co.
In 1989, the organ and the building were heavily damaged in the Loma Prieta earthquake. The Organ is now is storage.